Live young with Young Living.
Young Living
Project Cost:
Project Size:
1300 m² / 14,000 ft²
Completion Time:
Nov 2017 - Jan 2018

We worked with Young Living to deliver design improvements to their existing workspace, located within the fantastic Chiswick Park. This included both creative changes to the aesthetic and practical changes to the space to increase the efficiency of how they work. We increased the number of cellular offices, whilst also reconfiguring the open-plan spaces to meet new functions.

Regarding the aesthetic changes, the biggest implementation was the translucent lavender fields manifestations, which were fitted to the majority of glazed partitions, providing a glorious sense of being immersed in nature and continuing Young Living's brand identity throughout the space.

Young Living


Young Living -

"We started with 3equals1 with some small refurbishment moves. Changing around departments and making better use of the space. We've now been working with them for 2-3 years and still rely on their expertise. They are patient with our needs and help educate us on the ways of office interiors."

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